NTUA Thesis

“Architecture and Dance: Theory, Synthesis, Practice”
Supervisor: Professor Chara Kalaitzidou (Dpt. III: Architectural Languages, Communication and Design)
NTUA School of Architecture (Dpt. III: Architectural Languages, Communication and Design), Athens / February 2011
Grade: 10.00/10.00
Also presented at:
Xanthi School of Architecture, Xanthi / April 2013
“Present body” dance studio, Athens / January 2013
Vault Open September 4 Festival, Athens / September 2015


The research paper discusses a theoretical relationship between architectural design and choreography based on a comprehensive approach of finding elements of intersection between architectural design and dance composition.

The whole research draws on the fact that “movement creates space”, as artistic creation through both arts (first of all) requires an experiential understanding of space and movement through their creators’ bodies. Before creating, each creator has to sense movement and space through imagination. Even if the final product seems to be mainly space (architecture) or movement (dance), both arts include the perception of a tangible, as well as an intangible design of one another.

In the first part of the book, the author researches on the sensory and kinesthetic mechanisms of our body; their operation enables us an accurate, yet quite personal, perception of space and movement.

During the subsequent second part, she uses parallel analysis of the dance/architecture creative process, based on extensive bibliography and experiential survey as well. Her main concern is to explore (and even consult) how the creator’s personal perception of space, movement and rhythm could affect deeply not only his/her creation, but also the whole process itself, engraving a vital part of understanding his/her existence in the world on the artwork in absentia.